The Level System

The Level system is essentially an application where the goal is developing personal responsibility for social, emotional, and academic performance. A student’s progresses through various levels of the system, the speed depends on changes in the student’s measurable behavior and achievement. As the student progresses through the levels, the behavioral expectations and privileges provided for acceptable behavior are changed or elevated toward goals and self-management.
Level 01

The Learning Phase

  • Become familiar with your surroundings
  • Become familiar with the group and staff
  • Maintain a Safe and Secure environment at all times
  • Attend all group sessions
  • Follow all staff directions (consistently)
  • Become familiar with your handbook
  • Become familiar with the Rights and Responsibilities Of being a group member
  • Begin to learn appropriate ways to communicate
The Learning Phase
The Self-Awareness/ Discovery Phase
Level 02

The Self-Awareness /
Discovery Phase

  • Get acquainted with your advocate
  • Gain knowledge about the expectations and importance of Group Meetings
  • Work with your Advocate to complete your Collage, Genogram, Critical Events list and Lifeline.
  • Work with your Advocate and learn how to use I messages in communication
  • Work with your Advocate to understand personal and physical boundaries

The CAYS Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to empowering youth and their families, who are experiencing difficulties achieving their full human potential…

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Level 03

The Self Exploration Phase

  • Use the information learned about yourself to complete a Collage, Genogram, Critical Events List, Lifeline, Cycle of Abuse.
  • Begin to recognize and understand Core Issues.
  • Begin to recognize and understand destructive patterns of behavior and coping skills.
  • Begin to recognize and understand your family roles and the role you play within your family.
  • Recognize family interactions.
  • Begin to discuss your coping skills, your role, the family role and your interactions with the group and your Advocate.
The Self Exploration Phase
The Growing Phase
Level 04

The Growing Phase

  • Sharing information with the group
  • Identify typical situations and /or moods that lead to loss of self-control.
  • Identify physical cues and triggers that are warning signals.
  • Identify ways to ask for help prior to displaying acting out behaviours.
  • Identify ways within the group that you can discuss Core Issues and ask for help, receive help and give help to your other group members.
Level 05

The Collective Work and Responsibility Phase

  • Actively lead and teach others.
  • Support others in their efforts to grow and search for alternative ways to deal with their feelings.
  • Present to your group members, Advocate, Family, Social Worker, and Manager what has been successful interrupting your negative cycles or patterns.
  • Discuss with your parents/family members potential high-risk situations in your home, school, and community where you may be vulnerable to lose control.
  • Develop Relapse Prevention Plan.
  • Meet with Advocate, Staff, Social Worker, and Manager to discuss progress and/or control.
The Collective Work and Responsibility Phase
The Transition Phase
Level 06

The Transition Phase

  • Finalize placement according to Care Plan.
  • Develop external and internal strategies for monitoring the plan.
  • Develop an aftercare plan with Advocate, Social Worker, and Manager.
  • Continue to actively lead and teach other group members.

Contact Us

Head Office

103 (B) Bonaventure Road Northwest Point Road, West Bay


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 30718 SMB Grand Cayman
KY1-1203 Cayman Islands

Head Office



(345) 949-1280


Office Hours

9AM to 5PM

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